Friday, October 26, 2012

Desert Demo in Unity

This is a demo for Unity that was developed in a couple of weeks. 

Speed drawing: Some quick sketches

RG Prototype stuff.

 Some rollergilrls prototype art... did a lot of the initial concepts, even tho that is not the style that we followed in the end. I like the concept, and how it turned out... on the bottom some images of the early prototype... the environments i made most of the props. Justin Kovak worked on some of the blockout and placement. This is UDK.

Some burgertime hd art tests.

 Some art tests for Burgertime HD. The building on the left, with the red roof is not mine. William Sweetman took care of that awesome one. All the rest i took care of. With a fantastical colorful sky, hand painted.

Some painted Cruiseship Wii stuff.

 Wii title... most of the props and environment work that i did for it. Very colorful... in Vicious Engine.. so nothing too complex.

Some older work to share

All of these are from the Metalocalypse game that didn't make it. Basically a PSN/XBLA title. It was all done, and then it didn't make it out... but these are arenas where you would fight tons of dudes, each based on one of their songs. So got to do all the art, place it in level and light it and add particles. Not very high res, or high end. But i still like how some of these turned out. Specially the hand painted ice... too bad the materials could not be as complex as i intended in Vicious engine.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ian - Update 4

Ok... so i worked on the ear a little bit to get it at least looking like an ear. I tested some new materials, and arranged the proportions a little bit more so they read better. Working with different materials to check different areas really makes a big difference. I am really enjoying myself with the freedom of the program. I think the eyes are still a little off, and maybe the mouth area on its depth. Apart from that the head might be a little too round and big on the back side, and the profile look might need some rearrangement and more work. Check it out, and let me know what you guys think if anything. Any suggestions for sculpting the hair and eyebrows is welcomed! since that is the next step after fixing some issues with the proportions.
